Flowers of the Cashel Re START Mall


I went for a walk around the ReStart Mall this afternoon and was admiring the sunflowers that are thriving. I love all the other flowers in the mall too, they add so much colour and really make the mall a great public space.


Sunflowers are so cheerful, but as I am discovering in my own garden, without enough rain they really need a bit of TLC until they get established (we have very dry soil conditions unfortunately). The sunflowers I am growing, are from a packet of seeds that was left in our mailbox. The package simply said to plant the seeds by the gate so everyone could enjoy them.  It was quite the mystery as to why we had sunflower seeds – then we found out our neighbours had them as well. It turned out that the local school had delivered them as a project. What a wonderful idea. So I’ve been carefully nurturing my sunflowers and hoping they’ll make it to maturity!


Love these hanging baskets.


Close up of the flowers in the hanging baskets outside of Ballantynes.


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