A short walk around Lincoln and the Liffey Domain

The local art gallery – some excellent art works here

I was going to be picking blueberries this morning – not far from Lincoln, but it started raining  so the blueberry orchard closed down. I’ll be going back at some point, as I had my heart set on some fresh blueberries (and muffins and pies!). So, I ended up in Lincoln as it has been far too long since I have been out there. It rained off and on, but the sun would come out and everything looked so fresh and green.

Liffey Domain in Lincoln – it has a small river running through it
Fuschias growing wild in the Liffey Domain
I can never resist the opportunity to photograph rain drops on leaves
Liffey Domain
With the warmth, the rain, and the smell and sight of blue-gums I felt for a moment like I was in Australia
Pioneer Hall in Lincoln
A wonderful garden frontage just off Gerald Street (love it!)
The Tea House – for High Teas. It was closed unfortunately but is on my list of to-dos

According to the sign by the door the Tea House re-opens tomorrow. Think I might have to check it out very soon.

The famous Hillyers Bakery. Also closed today for the holidays (not sure when it re-opens).



2 responses to “A short walk around Lincoln and the Liffey Domain”

  1. Rosemarie Penno avatar
    Rosemarie Penno

    wow makes me nostalgic. The pies from hilliiers were famous, maybe still are. Next time I recommend you take a walk around the University.


  2. Paul @ Leeds daily photo avatar

    I love a good bakery. So many people seem to be happy to accept second rate, I just do not get it.


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